13th RuhrGeo Day: Cement in geotechnics - still up to date?
(Kopie 1)
The 13th RuhrGeo Day was dedicated to the topic "Cement in geotechnics - still up to date?". The RuhrGeo Day was jointly organised by four geotechnics chairs:
- Chair of Soil Mechanics, Foundation Engineering and Environmental Geotechnics, Ruhr University Bochum, Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Torsten Wichtmann
- Chair of Ground Engineering, Technical University of Dortmund, Deputy Professor Dr Frank Könemann
- Chair of Geotechnics, University of Duisburg-Essen, Prof. Dr Eugen Perau
- Chair of Geotechnics, University of Wuppertal, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Markus Herten
We would like to thank all the speakers on the topic of "Cement in geotechnics - still up to date?".
In addition to the presentations, the conference participants were able to exchange ideas with the exhibitors at the event. Thank you for your active participation!
13th RuhrGeo Day Young Talent Award
Congratulations to the winner of this year's poster competition, Bonny Gindler. The poster for her bachelor thesis on "Installation aid for sheet piling - sealing wall compound as soil replacement material after replacement drilling" was honoured with the 13th RuhrGeo Day Young Talent Award presented by the HUESKER Group. We would like to thank all students for their participation!
Impressions of the 13th RuhrGeo Day

Prof Dr Markus Herten with participants of the 13th RuhrGeo Day

13th RuhrGeo Day Young Talent Award Winner Bonny Gindler