Art on Building Exhibition in Wuppertal

The exhibition developed by the Federal Office for Building and Regional Planning to mark the anniversary "70 Years of Art in Buildings in Germany" in 2020 offers for the first time a synopsis of building-related art from both German states that was commissioned by the federal government between 1950 and 1990 and since reunification. In eleven chapters, around 65 works of art for federal institutions in Germany and abroad are presented and appreciated in their historical, political and architectural context.
Wuppertal will be the last stop of this exhibition. In a small supplement, outstanding examples in this city are also included and explained in their respective context. In addition, the exhibition offers, en passant, a small glimpse into the history of the Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering, as some of the protagonists taught here or are even present in their works to this day.
03.05.2023 until 09.06.2023
Mon-Fri 09.00 - 20.00 (not on public holidays)
Bergische Universität Wuppertal
Foyer of the Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering
Pauluskirchstrasse 7, Building HC, Haspel Campus
03.05.2023, 18.00 Uhr