School of Architecture and Civil Engineering

Bergische Transfergeschichte: PFAS - misjudged, concealed and highly toxic

17.04.2023|08:32 Uhr

"You can't smell it, taste it or see it. It is suspected of causing cancer, making you infertile and weakening your immune system," warns Wuppertal professor Dr Jörg Rinklebe as one of the most influential scientists in his field of "soil and groundwater management". We are talking about PFAS, a toxic poison produced worldwide and used everywhere. - At the same time, it is one of many topics of an international conference that will bring leading experts from environmental and human health research from 76 countries to Bergische Uni in September 2023.

Prof. Dr. Jörg Rinklebe // Foto UniService Transfer

This is a contribution from UniService Transfer. Read the full transfer story hier.

Scientific research and development, the gain of knowledge and the newly generated knowledge are not ends in themselves, but serve the further development of our society. The transfer of results to the public, the economy, politics and social institutions is of central importance. With the „Bergischen Transfergeschichten“ (Bergisch Transfer Stories), the Bergische Universität shows in an exemplary way how researchers contribute to the region with their work, network with other partners and thus actively shape society.