Birte Boes, research assistant at the Chair of Computational Applied Mechanics, receives the first publication prize of the University of Wuppertal

Gratulantin und Preisträgerin: BUW-Rektorin Prof. Dr. Birgitta Wolff (li.) überreichte Birte Boes die Auszeichnung im Rahmen des Forschungsnetzwerktreffens. // Foto Michael Mutzberg
Award ceremony with research insights
As part of the official award ceremony, this year's prizewinner Birte Boes gave a short presentation on the topic of her submitted publication: Birte Boes is a research assistant at the Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering in the Computational Applied Mechanics department under Prof Dr Jaan-Willem Simon. In 2023, she published an article in the journal ‘Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering’, which is one of the most renowned journals in the specialist community.
The content of her work is about new, innovative material modelling of paper. Among other things, this is important in order to be able to use paper reliably as a building material in the future. Birte Boes has developed a special mathematical model that not only provides reliable explanations and predictions for paper and cardboard, but can also be applied to other materials with similar properties.
Background to the prize
The publication prize can be awarded to anyone who has published as a scientist at the University of Wuppertal in the previous calendar year. The prize is endowed with 6,000 euros, whereby the prize money can be earmarked for research or the publication of research results. The jury consists of the Carnap Senior Professors, the Vice-Rector for Sustainable Organisational Development and Diversity and the Vice-Rector for Research and Digital Affairs.
‘Scientists strive to gain knowledge and to disseminate their research as widely as possible. That means publishing. The University of Wuppertal honours publications that are examples of our outstanding publishing achievements, redefine their respective fields and will leave a strong footprint,’ explains Prof. Dr Stefan F. Kirsch, Vice-Rector for Research and Digital Affairs and member of the jury.
In the first round of the competition, 42 BUW researchers submitted their publications.