This is the jury of the Solar Decathlon in Wuppertal

The jury of the SDE 21/22. © SDE 21/22

The jury of the SDE 21/22.
© SDE 21/22
In five months, the Solar Decathlon Europe 21/22 (SDE 21/22 for short) will be: Experience sustainable building and living! From June 10th to 26th, the most important university architecture competition in the world will take place in Wuppertal. 18 student teams from eleven countries are building 18 fully functioning houses on the Solar Campus, which combine climate protection and sophisticated architecture.
This is how the competition works
As part of the competition, the teams measure their projects in ten disciplines. In three disciplines, the quality assessment is carried out by measurements - e.g. in energy consumption, the room climate and solar technology. In seven disciplines, an expert jury evaluates the projects that the teams have been planning for more than three years. In the end, the team that scores the most points in total wins the SDE 21/22. The jurors decide who can take home the victory of the first Solar Decathlon competition held in Germany.
“Our jury guarantees the high quality of the competition thanks to their many years of experience and expertise. All jury members are specialists in their fields and bring special skills to the jury work,” explains competition director Prof. Karsten Voss from the University of Wuppertal.
The members of the SDE 21/22 jury are:
- Prof. Dietmar Eberle
Baumschlager Eberle Architekten | Austria - Jette Cathrin Hopp
Snøhetta | Norway - Fuensanta Nieto
Nieto Sobejano Arquitectos | Spain / Germany
Building technology & building physics
- Dr.-Ing. Markus Lichtmeß
Institute for Building Energy Research | Germany - Prof. Dr.-Ing. Nathan Van Den Bossche
Universität Gent | Belgium - Prof. Dr.-Ing. Maria Wall
University of Lund | Sweden
Feasibility & Socio-Economic Context
- Anne Lacaton
Lacaton & Vassal | France - Prof. Dr. Guido Spars
Federal Foundation Building Academy | Germany
Communication & Education
- Richard King
Founder of the Solar Decathlon | USA - Jakob Schoof
DETAIL | Germany - Ass.-Prof. DI Dr. Karin Stieldorf
TU Wien | Austria
- Dr. Anna Braune
German Sustainable Building Council (DGNB) | Germany - Søren Nielsen
Vandkunsten Architects | Denemark
Urban mobility
- Jörg Beckmann
Mobility Academy | Switzerland - Prof. Dr.-Ing. Heather Kaths
University of Wuppertal | Germany - Prof. Dr. John Whitelegg
University of York | Great Britain
In addition, the jury members jointly evaluate the innovation of the projects in a seventh discipline.
Public award ceremonies as a program highlight
The houses and the varied supporting program on the topics of climate protection, renewable energies, building culture and sustainable architecture can be explored free of charge from June 10th to 26th. "Visitors can look forward to a glimpse into the future of our cities at the event," says project director Dr. Daniel Lorberg.
A program highlight are the award ceremonies, which take place in public for each discipline. The projects of the teams are awarded according to the respective criteria in front of the audience and the jury. On June 24th, the winning team as well as the second and third place winners of the SDE 21/22 will be awarded.
More information about the jury members:
Program of events:
Press contact:
Phd. Marion Wittfeld | Press SDE 21/22
E-Mail wittfeld[at]
Phone: 0151 57405105