International research project on the remediation of contaminated soils brings together researchers from Sweden, Sri Lanka, China and Germany at the chair of Prof Dr Jörg Rinklebe

Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. agr. Jörg Rinklebe | Doktorand*in Kim Johansson und das Team des Boden- und Grundwasserlabors
Kim Johansson, a doctoral student at Luleå University of Technology in Sweden, will be a guest in the laboratory of Prof Dr Jörg Rinklebe's Soil and Groundwater Management teaching and research area until the end of the year.
As part of an international team with researchers from Sri Lanka, China and Germany, Kim Johansson is conducting research into contaminated soils at the University of Wuppertal. The research project is a collaboration with Professor Jurate Kumpiene from Luleå University of Technology.
Topic of the research work:
The cleaning and remediation of contaminated - i.e. polluted, contaminated - soils. In the laboratory at the Haspel campus, a soil contaminated with arsenic is being analysed and a technology developed to clean and remediate this soil. Electrokinetics is used to remove arsenic from the soil. The simulation experiment will now be used to investigate whether this remediation is really sustainable, how long it lasts and whether it is stable even under varying, i.e. changing, environmental conditions.