New honorary professor for public and private construction law

Prof. Dr. Ulrich Egger (left) and Dr.-Ing. Roland Busch. // Photo: Ramona Stein
Prof. Egger has been involved in the training of students and trainee teachers for many years. He is a lecturer at the law faculty of the University of Leipzig, where he teaches antitrust law. As the permanent representative of the chairman of the Judicial Examination Office of the Higher Regional Court in Düsseldorf, he is involved in the organization and implementation of compulsory legal subject examinations for law students.
At the Bergische Universität he lectures and teaches bachelor and master students in workshops and colloquia on civil law, building regulations and building planning law as well as criminal and antitrust law related issues.
Prof. Egger is also currently head of the 6th Cartel Senate of the Düsseldorf Higher Regional Court. Before that, he worked for several years in an energy law cartel senate, in which he was a.o. has dealt with planning law issues relating to the grid connection of offshore/onshore grid connections and grid costs in the gas and electricity grid. In addition, he decided on corporate law issues for ten years and was employed for several years as a head of department in various administrative areas of the Düsseldorf Higher Regional Court. He was there i.a. responsible for traineeship training and advanced training and works as press spokesman.
"Prof. dr We are very pleased to have won Egger as an expert in the field of construction law and to be able to bind him permanently to our faculty by awarding him an honorary professorship and it is of great importance to us, as this enables ongoing further development in the construction industry to be conveyed," says Dr.-Ing. Roland Busch, current professorship at the chair Economics of Planning and Building. Together with Wolf Achim Tönnes, Egger is the author of the work “Recht der Unternehmensbewertung”, the 9th edition of which was published in September 2020. He also comments on antitrust regulations in the Munich Commentary on Competition Law, the 4th edition of which is expected to be published in early 2022. In addition, he writes on energy law regulations in the Berlin Commentary on Energy Law (5th edition, 2022).
Dr.-Ing. Roland Busch
Teaching and research area economics of planning and building
Phone: 0202/439-4259
E-Mail rbusch{at}