School of Architecture and Civil Engineering

New urban planning handbook published

22.03.2023|09:17 Uhr

"Mediating the City - Methods and Tools for Collaborative Planning" is the title of a new, practical handbook on urban planning published by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Tanja Siems, Head of the Department of Urban Planning at the University of Wuppertal. It presents cross-disciplinary methods and working methods for urban planning with case studies from Berlin, Düsseldorf, Cologne, London, Madrid and Wuppertal. The book is aimed at all urban actors who want to develop and implement diverse urban planning concepts.

In the handbook, competence-oriented application methods and process models are presented, from the analytical approach to the concept strategy to the realisation of participatory projects.

Within the framework of participatory applied urban mediation, creative and open-ended experiments have proven to be a scientific and practice-oriented approach. As a catalogue of methods, the book conveys concrete and directly implementable principles of action for experimental urban research within a design and planning approach in teaching and practice.

Mediating the City - Methods and Tools for Collaborative Planning, Birkhäuser Verlag, 2023, 176 pp.

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Tanja Siems
Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering
E-Mail siems[at]