Bergisch University students win architecture competition

Malte Grobenstieg and Ruth Martin were awarded first place for their work "H Eins". // Photo Kulturkreis der deutschen Wirtschaft im BDI e.V., © Susanne Diesner
The Kulturkreis der deutschen Wirtschaft im Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie (Cultural Circle of German Business in the Federation of German Industries) organises an annual architecture competition for students that focuses on the transformation of existing buildings or city districts. This year, the task was to develop the Mack Pyramid in Monheim into a cultural centre.
Two projects by students from the Department of Building Construction, Design and Materials Science at Bergische Universität were also convincing in the competition: the jury particularly praised the variance and the differentiated approach to the complexity of the task. Malte Grobenstieg and Ruth Martin were awarded first place for their work "H Eins", the special prize went to the creators of the "Tiefenwirkung" project Simon Daudert and Lucas Lütgenau.
The pyramid in Monheim, originally planned by Horst Schmitges in collaboration with the artist Heinz Mack from 1987 to 1990 as the company headquarters for a pharmaceutical company, is soon to be reopened to the public after several years of vacancy. Accordingly, the students were given the task of developing concepts for the further use of the Mack Pyramid and creating a suitable architectural and urban planning framework for this.