School of Architecture and Civil Engineering

Wuppertal architecture students receive award

11.10.2022|08:49 Uhr

The Knowledge Network for City and Commerce (WSH) has named master's students in the field of architecture at the University of Wuppertal as the winners of this year's competition 'What Does Commerce Mean Here?' Seventeen groups of students from seven different universities participated in this interdisciplinary competition. The group 'Move Green,' led by Prof. Klaus Overmeyer and Dr.-Ing. Roland Busch, made it to the top five.

The award ceremony will take place at the end of November as part of the Urbanicom conference in Fürth. The award-winning projects will be presented and discussed, and students will have the opportunity to showcase, through an exhibition, what the commerce of the future can look like in various spatial configurations and locations.

An introductory event in March of this year already served as a broad knowledge-sharing opportunity for the participating Wuppertal students Luise Kratzert, Diemend Mernica, Christopher Badura, Julia Ennemann, and Maximilian Goebels. "The retail industry and urban business locations play a significant role as stakeholders in the realms of climate protection and the COVID-19 pandemic. Close, synergistic relationships are leading to a significant transformation in the field of urban planning and commerce," explained Dr.-Ing. Roland Busch, the current acting chair of the Economics of Planning and Building at the University of Wuppertal.

The development of innovative, economical, sustainable business models, as well as ecological and architectural solutions, is more necessary than ever," added Professor Klaus Overmeyer from the Department of Landscape Architecture. The work of the students demonstrates that the importance of new responsibilities and a transformation of commercial locations and spaces in the digital age, driven in part by the rapid growth of online commerce, are more critical than ever for traditional brick-and-mortar retail.


Dr.-Ing. Roland Busch
Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering
E-Mail rbusch[at]